60+ Free Homeschool Resources
As I am writing this, I know for some people it was never the goal or dream to homeschool.
This isn’t a blog post on why you should, or pushing my views onto you. As lots of my friends and family know, I chose to homeschool when my first child was an infant. I decided long ago it was what I wanted for our family.
I feel saddened by the unfortunate events that have taken place world wide, knowing so many innocent people are struggling on such a deep level. Struggling with food, finances, education, the laws taking place, the bills passing, the anxiety ridden protocols, what is being taught in our education system, a literal pandemic.
I wanted to fill your feeling of “lost” on the topic of homeschooling, and provide resources from curriculum for all ages, kindergarten worksheets, elementary resources, middle school resources, high school resources, homeschooling planners, faith building worksheets, parenting resources, and even moms on YouTube who share their stories.
**I have clicked on every single link myself to ensure these are actual, legit sites with information that is legitimate.
Free curriculum for all ages
I thought this would be an excellent place to start for anyone wanting a variety of information, and wanting to know how what is out there. My favourite is The Good and the Beautiful, and is likely going to be a major company I support for our curriculum!
The Good And The Beautiful (options to invest in affordable curriculum as well!)
The Ultimate List of Free Charlotte Mason Homeschool Curriculum & Resources
Free Homeschool Curriculum & Resources | Huge List of 34 Freebies!
“Whenever you feel discouraged, just remember, you are the centre of the universe to those tiny humans you made from scratch. You’re kind of a big deal!”
Free Kindergarten worksheets
I have some hands on worksheets, and through in a sensory activity idea. There is a variety of freebies in this pile, and if you find you like a free resource from one of these sites, you should check out their small shops. I, personally, like testing out peoples styles and what works best for my kids before investing.
Elementary Resources
I found some fun elementary resources that were activity based, or had the opportunity to be an activity. I think getting up and moving, lots of discussion, and using our brain in unconventional ways is extremely healthy!
Free middle school resources
Middle school and junior high is this strange era where they could really understand the information, have a solid understanding, and need some activities to keep learning exciting.
There are some super fun and engaging free activities here to help strengthen that foundation.
World Map Activity and Assessment | Free | Distance Learning
13 Free Math Worksheets and Activities (high school and middle school)
14 perfect Quiet Activities for Kids and teenagers (quiet time sanity savers!)
Free High School Resources
I thought this would be super interesting to include virtual and engaging projects. In high school, I remember almost never getting out of my desk unless it was to pee, blow my nose, hand in a paper, or change classrooms.
If children learn best moving around and playing, why can’t high schoolers?
Free Printable Homeschool Planners
I am a type B person, wanting to live in a type A body.
I think being scheduled and organized with your materials, grades, and information is very important. I’m not saying every pencil needs to have a specific home, and things need to be absolutely perfect.
I am simply suggesting that stopping procrastinating to plan your curriculum and breaks, you will feel a giant relief of stress!
Don’t forget this resource on How to Create a Homeschool Master Binder! I found this super intriguing how to plan this out for success.
Growing Your Faith
I understand not everyone has a faith, believes in God or Jesus, or wants to talk faith.
I thought this would be a fun opportunity to foster that love for God and Jesus as a family. These activities you can print one for yourself and do as a group activity, and you can customize for the ages in your home.
Choose Your Own Adventure Bible Reading Plan for Kids (Free Printable)
“Valentines From God” Bible Reading Plan for Kids – Free Printable
Learning Disability Options
I thought that including this information would be inclusive and loving. If there are no children with disabilities in your home or close environment, please check these out anyways!
Free Communication Boards for Autism
Parenting resources
How To Affordably and Successfully Homeschool Your Preschooler
To the Homeschool Mom Who’s Just Starting Out
Homeschooling moms on YouTube
I love listening to Podcast or YouTube videos while I clean and organize. I feel way less lonely. I am mainly a stay at home mom, but do odd work jobs outside the house but still am not surround by people. This gives me the opportunity to feel like I am in conversation, (lol).
Angela Braniff- This Gathered Nest (also a homeschooling mom of 8!!!!!)
I would love to hear how you loved this resource! PLEASE share, comment, and let me know if this was helpful! I hope that this was able to help you in some way, shape, or form since I know everyone is on a budget! I encourage you to check out ways to work with me here, or go binge on my podcast.