Client Case Study: 4x her audience in 3 weeks

This case study is going to be how my client 4x her audience in 3 weeks. She came to me because she had 4 programs and 1:1 coaching, but her audience was almost lethargic and exhausted and no longer converting.

If you want to check out other case studies, I have Crickets to 200 Waitlist and 15K Sales Week In our First Week Together where you can binge on other content. I make these incredibly clear so you can implement and start getting results. 

She had like a little fangirl audience, I will say, but it wasn't a profitable experience and she wanted to keep that integrity and authenticity. But hello, obviously she was a stay-at-home mom. She wanted to make some money, as we all do. I'm gonna give you the behind-the-scenes of just a couple of shifts. 

When clients come to me, I'm not telling them to scrap their business and telling them they did a shitty job. That's literally going to get them nowhere but feeling ashamed and even more frustrated. Plus, I have NEVER thought that about any client or student’s business before. I've always been so amazed by the beautiful ideas my clients have. My job as the coach is just to come in there and help tweak a couple of things, whether it's the messaging, the marketing, or the positioning, and just do a couple of little tweaks. You have the majority of the puzzle pieces. They just need to be clicked into place. 

  1. Optimization
    Optimization is a quite broad statement, but in this sense, we immediately optimized her accounts once again, title, name, elevator pitch, what she actually did, how she served them, etc. You have 3 seconds to capture your potential audience + clients’ attention. I think it is so important to be extremely clear, to the point, and nail your elevator pitch.

  2. Accessibility
    If you are in the season where you want your passive courses being sold consistently while you sleep, play with your babies, or simply have dream clients find you and your offers… you need to have your sales pages juicy, descriptive, with client testimonials and social proof, up and going. They should be able to snoop and lurk so they can feel incredibly empowered moving forward if you are the option they are interested in.
    I cannot even tell you how many people lurked my social media and website without a trace, and then paid in full for my coaching or courses!
    I’m not saying your site has to be PERFECT, but if you aren’t in the place to hire out support, check out the website designer, Alexis Underwood, whom I recommend to everybody! She has website templates and offers to meet you at every budget {Her whole site is here, be sure to check out her template shop!} then absolutely try to make your branding as cohesive as possible (Alexis can help with that, too!).

3. Call to actions: Increase View Lifetime
Her content was naturally amazing, but she needed a little lift. Specifically, on TikTok, it's interesting because unfortunately, so many people are on the platform are completely dissociated. They are just like literally sucked into this random portal on TikTok and they need to be told exactly what to do and how to do it cuz they literally will do it, which is wild.
In every video moving forward, we got her to write “follow + like for more” in the first half, and in the last half “check link in my bio” or “comment your opinion on XYZ”. People want to feel heard and seen, plus they LOVE to share their opinion.
When you do sit-down videos, you want to tell people to scroll back to XYZ video for a different topic. If they are interested, they will go find this. It increases their connection and loyalty to you and increases their likelihood of converting.

We batched her content at the beginning of the week so she wasn't creating 24/7. Plus, when you are in the groove, I think its easier to batch out 5-10 videos when you are feeling it vs. making it a daily practice. I would honestly say we spent two hours per week on the actual video content and maybe one hour per week actually engaging with people in her content or other people on just on social media. I should specifically say on TikTok as a whole, and telling her followers to go check her IG in the bio. 

By adding these little tweaks, she went from 4000 to 18000 on TikTok, and then she went from 500 on Instagram to 1200 on Instagram. 

If these are the type of results you are desiring: explosion on socials and selling passively consistently, I encourage you to check out ways to work with me here, or go binge on my podcast.


Client Case Study: $15k sales week in our FIRST week together (over 3x her ROI)


Client Case Study: Crickets to 200 Waitlist