Client Case Study: $15k sales week in our FIRST week together (over 3x her ROI)
This is my most favourite thing about working with women who run an existing business…
When I come into their business, I tweak what they already have and we get a really quick win within our container. I don't mean “quick win” as in like slimy tactics. In our first call I can tell you literally everything that you're struggling with.
I'm going to walk you through how I was able to help my client crush $15,000 in sales in our first week working together.
She literally 5x her ROI working with me, cuz at the time, I think it was a $3,000 container. In her first week, she made back the investment and more. (like, significantly more)
If you want to check out other case studies, check out 4x her audience in 3 weeks case study and crickets to 200 waitlist case study where you can binge on other content. I make these incredibly clear so you can implement and start getting results.
My client was feeling really unmotivated and blah about her work. She loved every inch of what she was doing and what she did, but she was struggling with converting aligned clients who actually wanted to take the work seriously.
The container itself was not the issue, nor was the sales process or the framework of the container.
The results would have been there if her clients would take it seriously. I think that was such a huge slap of the face for her work because she was there to create massive change within her clients health. Her clients didn’t complain because they knew they weren’t doing the work- showing up for calls or implementation.
She was there to truly impact these women's lives, and had limited space in her programs. It was so sad to see. It was the marketing position and overall excitement that was lacking.
So once again, making some sales wasn't an issue, but making her business profitable, sustainable and in alignment was the issue.
She was on the brink of burnout.
So first call, these were the immediate things that stood out to me.
“...if you want to make money while you sleep, while on vacation, while you adventure with your babies… you need to put the work in to have these types of systems up and going!”
Her social media was not optimized and she had very low visibility.Same thing as my other client case study, the one on crickets to the 200 waitlist, very similar. She had the bones of her business there, and plenty to work with. Her soul, her heart, everything was right there.
We immediately optimized her social accounts: title, name, elevator pitch in the bio, what she did, how she served them, and made it very easy as someone saw her account, they knew exactly how she was gonna serve them.
To date, her IG has grown by 7000.Easy access.
Despite contrary belief, easy access is a good thing here.
You want things to be easily accessible in terms of your application page being there, your sales page is up and going, people can pay you right then and there.
People can see the client testimonials, the exact breakdown of the course, and why they should invest. It should all be there.
They should not have to DM you and go through a 20 step process to get it.
They should be able to read the sales page and enroll like that.
We talk a lot about that in Become A Passive Course Queen.
You want your sales pages up and going and you want them to have personality so that they convert without you having to hold their hands.
I think this is a super important conversation because if you want to make money while you sleep, while on vacation, while you adventure with your babies… you need to put the work in to have these types of systems up and going!
High Quality Content Batch.
We created 10 high quality pieces of content for her platform. This includes having a title, high quality copy, call to action, and a graphic. The copy should be supporting your clients with some sort of mini transformation: mindset, results, perspective.Moving forward, if she puts it on any social media platform, she just copy and paste the title.
If she's making a podcast, LIVE video, Instagram story or reel… she just has to copy and paste the title and follow the content as an outline.
It was easy to spread her content across every platform without hustling on social media. If you want more depth on how to do content, either go listen to the Crickets to Waitlist episode.
The purpose of creating high quality content is to show up and provide that value for your clients. This optimizes your entire social media accounts so it's going to be a no-brainer to just work with you.
By stepping out of creating “vanilla fluff content”, you start showing up as an authority who have all the answers. The “not google-able” answers.
Offer Tweak.
We increased our prices by some somewhere between 25% and 30%. We positioned it to a slightly different audience demographic.
Her previous messaging was super flowy, but we needed to add a component that was: “if you want it, come to this space, let me help you, but you have to do your part. Say good-bye to the struggle.”
It literally became sold out like freaking hot cakes in less than a week by clients who actually wanted to get shit done. It felt so good for her. Her content was NOT bad by any means, we just shifted the language, created an elevated price point so they would take it seriously, and we ran with it.
She felt so inspired by this new momentum, she actually created a $22 masterclass because a subtopic on our business agenda was mapping out her passive offers.
By the end of the first week, she closed $15000 in sales. Some of them on a three to four month payment plan and others were infusions of income from the workshop and masterclass. She felt really confident in showing up.
It was that quick win that really sealed the deal for her when I said to her: “Girl, I'm so glad you did not give up on your business.”
It's really breaks my heart. So many women when they come to me saying: “this is the last investment I'm making in my business before I close it up.”
It used to put a lot of pressure on me as a coach because I would think: “oh shit, the ball is really in my court.”
I had to stop and tell myself this is their business. The implementation is their responsibility, but I'm of course gonna do as much as I can as a coach and for this container they invested in and support them. That's my freaking job.
I then look back at maybe 90% of clients who come to me and let me know that same line, I have confidence if they implement, they will get there. They don't put it on me with unnecessary stress or blame or guilt, I think they want it so bad but feel so lost.
If this feels like you: lost, feeling like throwing the towel in, and deeply wanting this… I encourage you to check out ways to work with me here, or go binge on my podcast.