Client Case Study: Crickets to 200 Waitlist
I am so excited for today's blog. This particular client was really struggling with creating consistent high quality content that didn't require her to be on social media 24:7. She needed support with understanding how to attract and convert her high quality leads. Within this as well, we restructured some of her programs and really nailed her messaging and marketing.
In our first session, my client walked me through her consistent struggling in her business and feeling like it was literally crickets. People would see her content, and either not engage, or just like. We really transformed her business in a very short timeframe. We worked together in a six week container, but this happened within the first two weeks.
The first step: the vision.
when a client comes to me planning out the next 18 mo months sounds incredibly daunting, right? So what I usually help them do is start piece by piece building things out. We need clarity on what their unique edge is and the way that she's envisioning to serve her clients and show up on social media. Honestly, as a coach, it doesn't matter what I feel like someone should or shouldn't do, that's not my place.
Let's just get into this. So usually when a client comes to me planning out the next 18 mo months sounds incredibly daunting, right? So what I usually help them do is start piece by piece building things out. We need clarity on what their unique edge is and the way that she's envisioning to serve her clients and show up on social media. Honestly, as a coach, it doesn't matter what I feel like someone should or shouldn't do, that's not my place.
My place is to provide multiple different visions, avenues, ways to support them to get to where they want to go. You'll actually notice if you ever worked with me 1:1, I have literally 30 different ideas for you to work with. And if several of them just aren't the right one, we discard it and move on and that's 100% fine. I do not get offended because it's your business and it needs to work for you.
Showing up also needs to feel natural and you need to know in my gut, in my soul, in my heart, I know my clients want to be served by me in this way. Whether that is stories, podcast, blog, and LIVE video. I recommend choosing 1 form of long content (blog, podcast, or LIVE content). We had to get clarity on this, she was already working with another coach at the time and they did some of the behind the scenes for her upcoming 1:1 coaching container and programs
There wasn't a ton of traction and they had been working together for a few months at this point. I think that's why she was so frustrated. I don't know *exactly* what type of coach she was working with alongside this, but it doesn't matter. I'm also not saying one coach is better than the other. That's not at all what the point of this is. I just wanted to note what we did is we actually dug deeper so that we could create aligned messaging and really dig into the edge for her magnetic marketing and attraction.
What I noticed is her content was getting some light traction. It wasn't like there was complete 0% crickets, but less than 10 likes per post and views on stories is not a vibe.
She felt like she didn't have a ton of time, mid- launch, which I totally get. what we did was we dug deeper into why she was doing her business, why she was even creating this offer, why it's important for people to be enrolling in this besides the income for her business.
“The purpose of creating high quality content is to show up and provide that value for your clients. This optimizes your entire social media accounts so it’s going to be a no-brainer to just work with you. By stepping out of creating “vanilla fluff content” you start showing up as an authority who have all the answers.”
What is the true purpose of this offer and your business?
The second step: is the content creation
We created 10 high quality pieces of content for her platform. This includes having a title, high quality copy, call to action, and a graphic. The copy should be supporting your clients with some sort of mini transformation: mindset, results, perspective.
Moving forward, if she puts it on any social media platform, she just copy and paste the title. If she's making a podcast, LIVE video, Instagram story or reel… she just has to copy and paste the title and follow the content as an outline. It was easy to spread her content across every platform without hustling on social media. If you want more depth on how to do content, either go listen to the Crickets to Waitlist episode or go back to my how to create.
The purpose of creating high quality content is to show up and provide that value for your clients. This optimizes your entire social media accounts so it's going to be a no-brainer to just work with you. By stepping out of creating “vanilla fluff content” you start showing up as an authority who have all the answers.
The third step: lead generation
We identified who her ideal client was and tarted talking to them, knowing that the content would hit home with them. My perspective is having the content created, your social optimized, accessibility with your offers, it allows you to take a step back from putting pressure in the DMs and focus on building genuine connections.
The fourth step: offer suite
If you have an offer that is in your ideal clients budget, you are showing up with that authority and value, you are displaying that this is a safe place for you. Your free content is a testimony that any level of investment in your business is safe and sacred. It's going to naturally be a no-brainer to just work with you. You know what I mean? So anyway, we, I identified who her ideal client was. Started talking to them, knew that the content would hit home with them because it was providing, um, solutions to their problems, to those specific people's problems.
What happens is when you are able to turn your offer into an asset into someones lives, and you a few different prices, they can make an empowered investment. You no longer have to convince someone to invest. It becomes the conversation of: what investment is going to best serve me?
It's just mind blowing that it just takes a little bit of tweaking if you are struggling in your business, there sometimes just needs to be a tweak in your foundation. It typically is super minor, but something that is affecting multiple areas. This client wasn't doing anything quote on quote “wrong”. She just needed a little bit of support on the clarity, how to optimize her content in her social media, and how to actually find her clients. She just needed that little bit of support and extra set of eyeballs.
In two weeks she went from no one filling out an application, to 200 people filling out an application to work with her 1:1. That was her first $15,000 launch from that program and from just optimizing her social media. She didn't come to me because I was a savior. I don't believe that's what we are as coaches. I feel like we're a fantastic tool and resource to use. This client still uses our notes a year later. I think it's just important to note we have more power than we give ourselves credit for because all along these ideas came from her, these ideas flowed from her. This program outline flowed from her.
As coaches, we do not take credit. We help organize these messy thoughts and help turn them into reality.
If this feels like you: lost, feeling like throwing the towel in, and deeply wanting this…
I encourage you to check out ways to work with me here, or go binge on my podcast.