Moon Sand Recipe (only 2 ingredients!)
Moon Sand Recipe (only 2 ingredients!)
If you are popping by from Easy Preschool Sensory Activities, then you already know what I am going to say about hands on playing. I truly believe that playing is the healthiest and most nurturing way for your child to grow and learn!
Learning through play is a crucial part in children’s quickly developing brain. I read an article from, and I felt very moved to share a section:
“This is when the most significant brain development happens, particularly in the first two years of life. Lack of play and communication, known as "under-stimulation", can have long-term negative consequences on a child’s learning and physical and mental health.
Roughly 80% of brain development is completed by age three and 90 % by age five. This means a child cannot wait for primary school for learning to begin.” (more on the article here)
This 2 ingredient moon sand recipe is absolutely food proof! It is incredibly soft, smells delicious, you can customize the colour, and it makes a large batch quickly. I thoroughly enjoy hands on, sensory activities to keep my kiddos brains growing, active, and enjoying indoor activity ideas. Although, this activity is absolutely a thumbs up for outdoors.
Moon sand recipe
Materials Needed:
8 cups regular, all purpose flour
1 cup baby oil
Optional: food colouring of choice
Mix and try your hardest to get all the clumps out. That is absolutely it!
This is best as an outdoor activity, or an activity that you would place an old shower curtain down for! It helps a ton with cleaning up if you are using some sort of plastic sheet.
Tips for storage:
I strongly recommend using an air tight container to ensure that it doesn’t dry out and crumble. I have never had it dry out, but that is only because it ends up getting completely dumped out when we are outdoors before that occurs.
Do not get the moon sand wet, and immediately clean up if you do. It turns into cement.
If you read my last post on How To Affordably and Successfully Homeschool Your Preschooler, you need to! I chat more ways on sensory play, how to get all the materials + books cheap, and discussing it doesn't have to be a huge financial investment.
“Whenever you feel discouraged, just remember, you are the centre of the universe to those tiny humans you made from scratch. You’re kind of a big deal!”
Learning from home has created a bond with my children that has become strengthened. I we have had to learn more about each other and deepen our understanding about each other, which truly have been an amazing gift.
If you haven’t already taken the opportunity to check out my entire homeschool section, I truly feel like you would fall in love with all the free content I have provided! I know that times are difficult, and wanting to save money is always an amazing plus!
Did you know…
I have an entire article on 60+ free homeschool resources!
I wanted to fill your feeling of “lost” on the topic of homeschooling, and provide resources from curriculum for all ages, kindergarten worksheets, elementary resources, middle school resources, high school resources, homeschooling planners, faith building worksheets, parenting resources, and even moms on YouTube who share their stories.