Creating a Book Keeping Business-Grace and Balance

Hello! Thank you so much for the opportunity to connect and share a little bit about me.

My name is Megan Hopper. I am a military spouse, mom of 3, Jesus lover, and bookkeeping business owner! Each of these characteristics about me has taught me so much and have helped me become the strong woman I am today. 

Being a military spouse means being able to adapt and roll with the punches. It means not knowing what is coming next or when. This is definitely a challenging lifestyle to adapt to, but at this point we don’t know anything else (my husband has been in for about 14.5 years at this point). We have been blessed to experience living in different states, different environments and different cultures. We haven’t been outside of the United States for any duty stations but a lot of military families get that opportunity.

Moving around frequently means there have been plenty of seasons where I have been solo parenting.

Seasons where we would just move to a new location and a stranger you just became friends with is now your emergency contact for your kids. Or trying to find a babysitter to watch your kids so you can make an appointment and not have to take all of them with you. It is all about adapting and improvising and stepping out of your comfort zone to ask for help (not always an easy process!). But of course, with Jesus all things are possible and I try my best to remind myself that He will not only give me what I can handle, but also the tools to handle it! 

So how does a military spouse and mom of 3 juggle being a business owner?!

Great question! With a lot of grace. Lots of hopping on and off the computer when I have those small windows of time to tackle an issue. And thankfully with a very supportive husband!

It takes a lot of balancing priorities and learning what works and trying to repeat it.

I started my bookkeeping business in 2021, but honestly the dream started in 2015. I had a lot of fears that held me back from making the full leap (military life and kids also throw wrenches into the mix). But I am so thankful to have moved past the fear.

I love being able to provide clarity for my clients so they can focus on what they are passionate about.

Numbers aren’t meant to make sense to everyone, but they make sense to me and I'm thankful to use my talent to bless others! I think it is hard for military spouses to feel that sense of purpose and the struggle to have a career they desire because of the uncertainty of when the next set of orders will drop. Creating an online business has allowed me to support clients all over the United States and the flexibility to do it as we move. I’d love to encourage you if you are reading and have a dream of creating something in the online space, that you are capable!

One step and day at a time.

This journey hasn’t been an easy one. Who knew you couldn’t just start a bookkeeping business and just do number related things. I soon learned that I was also the social media manager, email marketer, tech support, and so much more. Owning and running your business is an amazing blessing but also has its challenges. Again that is what the adapting in me has learned. I have learned how to solve issues I didn’t know I needed to learn to solve. I have learned it is ok to ask for help and not be ashamed to not know things. 

My ultimate goal in starting this business is for when my husband retires from the Air Force, he is able to work only because he wants to not because he has to. I have been able to stay home with my kids all these years and I can’t wait to see him doing more hobbies that he truly enjoys and not being stuck in a 9-5 (or 24/7) cycle any longer.

My desire is for my business to continue to grow over these coming years and be able to support our family. 

Ok back to bookkeeping and how I can be a support to you! I support online service providers with monthly bookkeeping. This means you receive financial reports every month and tax time is a breeze! I recognize not every business is ready or needing a bookkeeper. It is possible to manage them yourself until you feel comfortable to outsource.

I highly recommend that if you are no longer looking at them on a regular basis, that it’s probably a great time to look at options for outsourcing.

I am happy to connect and chat to see if we are a good fit and I can support you in your growing business journey. <3

Here is how you can connect with me:

IG: @numbers_by_megan




My Year of Reflection + What I Learned in My First Year Full-Time in My Business 


The Magic of Passive Income: A Mama’s Guide to Earning Without Burnout!