How To Start Working From Home

I often get messages in my inbox about how I make working from home a reality, without child care.

I want to set one thing absolutely straight:

I originally did not start working from home to make millions. I started working from home to help pay for bills, groceries, and my student loans. I know most people often think entrepreneurs are something like this:

  • millionaires

  • pyramid schemers

  • successful bloggers

  • people who work at coffee shops for 55 hours a week

I am here to bust out all the misconceptions, and hopefully give some clarity on the truths!

It is not $1000’s overnight, sometimes not even $100’s if you don’t have the right structure.

I remember when I first started my journey, it was truly just enough to supplement our groceries, gas, rent, anything just to get a little extra saved so we could get by!

I remember making my first $700 month, which I earned by working on my business back then for an hour a day. I was pregnant with our second, in college, and felt so confident I could really do this.

$700 may seem like nothing to you, but it was everything to me.

When I switched to a combo of social media management and some DIY chalkboards, I made my first $3000 month and I was absolutely BLOWN away. I put in more hours with those 2 freelancing ideas, but it was amazing.

You truly have to work for your money, and it doesn't just float into your bank account! I wish it did, because a $1000 from sleeping sounds amazing! It is possible to make money in your sleep, but depends on your brand, set up, if it’s digital, product, service, etc.

Once I had a strategy set in place for growing an aligned audience, systems for funnels, a Pinterest strategy, IG strategy, and selected Facebook groups, it turned into 100s + occasionally 1000s overnight!

{Just a side note: the consistency will allow you to create $1000’s overnight eventually.}

But now I am scaling my business effortlessly while putting motherhood first.

I always aim for a minimum of $5000 a month. That covers all my basic needs for living, plus extra room. Of course, I almost always exceed that! I didn’t just set some silly number that made me feel good with no value.

I sat down and looked at our financial factors and 3 main points:

  1. Where were we “hurting” the most? (AKA, what is our biggest financial pain point.)
    When I first started out, it was groceries. We were trying our hardest to eat as healthy, and clean as possible! We never want our children to hear us complain about the expenses of maintaining good health.
    I decided if I could cover 1-2 grocery hauls a month, I would be satisfied. (It has grown SO MUCH BIGGER than that!)

  2. What would be a relief if I was able to pay it every month, without fail?
    In the beginning, it was our wifi and at least half our phone bill! These are not big expenses, and is less than $200 on my part. As a stay at home mom, I felt like I could breath!

    My numbers are so much higher now, but I am showing you the reality of where I first started.

  3. What is one, small thing that we could do every month that would change our lives?
    At the time (pre-covid) it was affording 2 date nights- food, movie, babysitter!

My advice to you is do the same! Is $300 your number? $50, $600, $1000, $2000? There is no number that will give each individual the same satisfaction.

We don’t just drink lattes and sit at coffee shops and take selfies…

Although, they are definitely a lot of fun, and I wish we did it more often!

This is my thought process at a coffee shop:

  • Are my clients taken care of? What else do they need from me? How can I better our relationship? How can I better their business?

  • What blog post ideas can I brain storm? How would I execute viral social media content?

  • How can I revamp my blog posts while still creating new content, and be relevant and exciting?

  • How can I push through this procrastination and creation block and write up 5 blog posts? How can I put my voice and heart into it when I don’t feel like it?

  • checks stats for the hundredth time today

  • check, reply, pitch emails

  • pictures alllllll day, edit them, and forgetting to use them (lol)

  • 3am idea bursts that I am now blanking on

how to start working from home (or coffee shops!)

  1. I started seeking out what there was lacking in the world.

    For me, personally, the lack in the world was so gigantic, I didn’t know where to start.

    In fact, what I do for work funds where I want to change the world, but isn’t how I make an income.

    Where I noticed there was a lack in the world was businesses just simply sucked at social media, and I was amazing at it. I am a virtual assistant and social media manager for businesses, and am able to reach that number I discussed at the top with just 1 client.

    This funds my ability to give back to young mothers who are struggling, and the homeless. I do not talk about this on social media, and would never ever share the names of those I help. I am so thankful that what I do at home, surrounded by my children, also funds other peoples first meals in days, chidlren’s diapers, and gas in their tank.

    Think about the entirety of the lack in the world. Where can you be of service?

  2. Where could I be of service?

    This isn’t just for serving young mothers and the homeless. This is also just like how I mentioned I serve other businesses who just couldn’t “social media”.

    Thinking about where there is a lack in the world (profit reasons, and not), where can you serve? Truly think about this, because this is meant to be a gigantic topic for you to write out.

  3. What was I even good at?

    I was, and am, really good and conveying social media posts that convert to engagement and people feeling things. I knew other businesses needed this type of interaction to be profitable.

    If you haven’t read my article on freelance writing, definitely go take a peek! This was my first step into learning how to serve others, by doing something I loved. It evolved into so much more than it is, and I really think it could be helpful!

    Write a list of everything you have accomplished in your life, everything you dream of, and the life you want to live. How do you want to keep pursuing everyday? Write it out and get super creative and dream.

  4. Who did I want to work with and how?

    This kind of dives into the depths of a more elaborate topic… but for the basics:

    • What types of businesses/ people do you want to work with? Coffee shops, mom bloggers, creative Etsy shops, restaurants, the list goes on!

    • How are you going to serve them? Are you going to write out daily social media posts for their specials? Are you going to write for their blog? Are you going to manage their books and accounting struggles? Are you going to take care of their inbox?

  5. Girlfriend, do your research!

    I did not invest in a course for this type of stuff because there was soooo much out there and it overwhelmed me. I really wish I did find something I could invest in, but nothing spoke to me at the time.

    However, if you do choose to invest, just make sure they are a reputable, and amazing person! I have invested in my now business, and it is the best thing I have ever done! It is single handedly how I grew quickly.

    • is the ONLY website I recommend to use. In my article where I chat about freelance writing, I talk all about why not to use Fivver, Upwork, or any other websites!

    • youtube video research: people, jobs, opportunities, experts to give you free information. This feels incredibly face to face, and allows you to have peace of mind knowing someone has made it.

    • pinterest every single: business opportunity, way to make money, structures, the full cost + ROI, the time, money investments over time. I found Pinterest to be a wonderful source of information, and have a board all about working form home here:

  6. Personal Development

    I listen to podcast 24/7. While I am doing the dishes, folding laundry, driving (no hands, don’t worry!), and when I am in the bath. I also really value quiet time, but I feel like I am able to expand my mind by listening to these through the day.

    Not only do I listen to them, I journal about them.

    Not only do I journal about them, I apply them to my life and business.

    Growth is really beautiful thing when you can really focus and take the value from what you’re learning, and apply it to different areas of your business or life.

  7. Chat with others who have been successful or tried everything

    I, once again, find Pinterest and social media groups for entrepreneurs amazing! I also love a good Youtube video about someone talking about their experience with XYZ, as it allows me to take pros, cons, and really think about if I should pursue that opportunity.

    We live in an amazing world where we can connect on social media. Take advantage of this!

  8. Find your hobby and figure out if it can be profitable!

    I talk about this a little bit in my series on how to afford being a stay at home mom with how to make money! I really think there is value in turning something you love, are passionate about, and can be a stress relief into a little side

    This all does completely depend on the amount you need to bring in, as discussed above!

    Maybe your hobby isn’t social media like me. Maybe it is crocheting, knitting, babysitting, animals, DIY projects, creating, traveling…

    There are so many opportunities for you!

    If you create things, can you participate in markets?

    If you babysit, can you open your own private day home?

    If you enjoy traveling, could you run a blog and be sponsored to travel the world?

  9. Building a reputation and brand genuinely is hard.

  10. Consistency is key if you want to have growth.

    I know sometimes keeping up with your blog or social media seems hard. Here are a couple ideas of consistent little things that will take you 10 minutes or less each to do:

    • message 10 new people on Instagram. No pitches, just message. I love doing this through stories and actually building a relationship/ friendship.

    • Voice memo 10 loyal followers to continue that relationship

    • Do a quick analytic check either weekly, or every few days to track growth

    • Join a few solid Facebook groups for entrepreneurs, blogs, shops etc. Post, network, engage in groups!

    • I joined a handful of mom blog groups and we have daily prompts to share each others content on our blog, repinning pins, commenting on Facebook pages, Instagram, etc. I noticed that my engagement and views SKYROCKET when I am consistent!

    • engage on other peoples content on different platforms + reply to stories

    • make sure your tailwind queue is full if you utilize Pinterest

Where does that leave you? Deciding to create an Etsy shop for all of your knitted scarves you have been creating? Deciding to be a writer from home, and freelance for others? Possibly pursing blogging, or some other avenue online?

I would love to hear from you! Reach out to any of my platforms connected, and I promise, I WILL reply!


Inside Scoop: Balancing Business & Babies


How To Get Started as a Virtual Assistant (I spill the tea)