Leading with Resilience and Empathy in Business

Ten years ago, my world changed irrevocably.

I was diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD), a revelation that came while I was deeply entrenched in the corporate world. Despite the challenges, I managed to bury my emotions and continue my work. However, becoming a mother a few years later shifted my perspective. I chose to be a stay-at-home mom, embracing the joys and challenges it brought, including new triggers related to my C-PTSD.

Then COVID-19 struck, and like many, I found myself struggling. Confined at home with a two- and three-year-old, the toll on my mental health was undeniable. It was during this insanely difficult  period that I realized I needed something for myself, something beyond the realms of motherhood. With the corporate world no longer suitable, I pondered the possibility of starting my own business. Despite my mental illness and the daunting task ahead, I decided to take the leap.

Today, as the CEO of Admin Virtuosa, an administrative consulting agency, I stand proud of that decision. Running a business with C-PTSD is a daily challenge, but it's one that I successfully navigate with resilience and dedication.

Admin Virtuosa’s Philosophy and Approach

At Admin Virtuosa, we are guided by a philosophy that recognizes the transformative power of efficient administration for businesses. Our services are intricately designed to understand and address the unique challenges entrepreneurs face, with a special emphasis on the interplay between mental health and business operations. We advocate for a comprehensive approach, where mental well-being is seen as an integral part of professional success.

Challenges and Strategies

Managing C-PTSD while running a business has taught me valuable lessons. I've adopted strategies like mindfulness, relying on a strong support network, and maintaining transparent communication with my team. These practices have not only aided my personal well-being but have also enhanced our workplace, making it more empathetic and efficient. 

Empathy and Leadership

My journey has highlighted the importance of empathy in leadership. Being open about my mental health struggles has allowed me to be more understanding and supportive of my team's needs, fostering a work environment where mental health is a priority.

Practical Tips for Entrepreneurs

To my fellow entrepreneurs facing similar challenges, remember:

  • Prioritize Self-Care: Your mental health is crucial for your business's success.

  • Seek Support: Professional counseling or support groups can be invaluable.

  • Encourage Open Communication: Create a culture where mental health is discussed and supported.

  • Embrace Flexibility: Adapt your work style to suit your mental health needs.

My path as a CEO with C-PTSD has been filled with challenges and triumphs. It has taught me the critical balance between managing mental health and business responsibilities. At Admin Virtuosa, we integrate these lessons into our approach to administrative consulting. Join us in creating a business environment where mental health and professional success go hand in hand.

Louisa is an administrative guru, as well as the owner and founder of Admin Virtuosa. With a degree in Business Administration and over 15 years of experience in the field, she has mastered the art of efficiently handling business operations and aiding in sustainable business growth.

As both a mom and a business owner with a mental illness, Louisa understands the significance of having systems in place. This ensures smooth business operations, allowing her more freedom to pursue her goals and focus on the essential aspects of her life.

Her passion lies in collaborating with business owners to create healthy business practices.Admin Virtuosa was inspired by her personal experiences with burnout. Her goal is to help others learn from her mistakes. She firmly believes that running a business should not be a solitary journey and that success is best achieved when individuals operate in their areas of giftedness. By embracing collaboration and partnerships, she advocates for a healthier approach to doing business.

Connect with Louisa with the links below:

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