An Easy Guide On How To Start A Blog In 1 Hour
Done is better than perfect! I remember sitting there figuring out how to have the perfect blog. I followed people like Jenna Kutcher, Coffee and Crumbs, and anyone I found on Pinterest who looked legit.
I used to think:
How would anyone take my serious as a blogger?
Who is going to make fun of me?
Is this really a good idea?
I was terrified to share things on my personal Facebook, and wanted to be viral without those I knew personally knowing it was my blog! How silly?! In the end, absolutely everyone I knew was so supportive and loving. It made me wish I had done it way sooner.
Here is an easy, beyond simple, extremely straight forward guide on how to start a blog in 1 hour.
Hit publish, share with your friends, and in your post say something along the lines of: Done is better than perfect, and I am so excited to see how my blog will look next week, next month, and next year. Thank you for the support and love!
I promise, you will have the most kind, and loving responses from your friends and family!
Chose a platform to host your website on.
I honestly love Squarespace because of how simple it is. There are tons blog templates each to use and absolutely free. There are extremely cheap options for working with Squarespace.
I’ll show some of my “favourites” from the blog + podcast section to choose from.
I believe when I started out, I paid around $16 a month for running my blog with some extras on my account. This is extremely affordable to pay month to month, and works out to be a pretty good price for having a hobby. I do make money from my blog and have a lot of opportunities, so paying $16 is no big deal.
I have used WordPress in the past, but Squarespace hits all my needs:
quick, easy to use templates
drag and drop for new pages + blog posts
extremely simple to customize colours and fonts
great customer service
Chose a domain name (ex.
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
I personally just didn’t want to go the hassle of using other platforms to find my domain. I did it in the past, and what I have been doing currently has been working with way less stress!
I’ve heard mixed reviews about other companies when it comes to purchasing a domain name, so I just chose the option to pay for a domain name through Squarespace.
It was cheaper than other companies were offering for the year, anyways!
I truly think the $30-$50 purchase, once a year, will make other brands and companies take you more seriously if you want to eventually work with them! You have so much more freedom and authority having your own your own domain.
Brainstorming domain name:
what is you’re identity
what are your favourite hobbies
what will the blog be about
cliches that are short
something easy to spell
what brings you peace, joy, or purpose
rhyming phrases
Big tip: just write everything you think of on a piece of paper and then double check that no one is using it on Instagram, Facebook, or as a website!
Write an about page.
Here is an example of my about me page!
I included:
how I got the name for my blog, and in a nutshell, who I am
who I serve and how
a little bit of information that is personal, but still professional
quirky pieces about who I am that I know my ideal clients will resonate with
This is just a simple way for people to understand who you are, what you believe in, and if you are the right person for them for resources!
Chose 1 blog category + write 3 pieces of content
(examples of blog categories food, working from home, homeschooling)
By writing 2 or 3 blog posts that fit in that category that come naturally, you don’t have to spend time researching and can have content ready to go ASAP! Inspiration for topics include:
How I Started Homeschooling 4 Kids During A Pandemic
A Guide To Growing Plants 101
My Tips On Cooking For A Large Family
How We Paid For Our Car In Cash
My Top 5 Tips To Succeeding In College
17 side hustles to start off your lap top
How I Organize My closet
Make the title intriguing, NOT clickbait, true to the title, and they learn or take something away!
Hit publish!
I know how stress inducing this part feels, but I truly think hitting publish and creating a post to let everyone know you did it is amazing! Please let me know when you have shared your blog because I would love, love, LOVE to pump you up and give you all the support!